You Were Created for a Purpose!...
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When buying the new book: “CREATED FOR PURPOSE”...
We have added, THE PURPOSE MANUAL, for you to receive. The same one our students use from King Jesus University.

Additionally, you will receive the 5th Session of CAP: The Mysteries of Purpose! 
In MP3 audio format and HD VIDEO. This is valued at more than $20!
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“How to Discover Your Purpose in God and Put It Into Action Now!”
“How to Discover Your Purpose in God and Put It Into Action Now!”
Blessings, I am Apostle Guillermo Maldonado!

If you know me, you probably know that my daily obsession has been and always will be…“DOING THE WILL OF GOD!”

Having prayed, fasted and reflected about the character that God has formed in me…
And throughout nearly 30 years of ministry…I can say today that this has been my secret…how I am used by God through powerful signs, miracles, and preachings.

We just turned 23 years as KING JESUS MINISTRY and, believe me, it has not been an easy task.

However, if I were to give you a glimpse of what God has done with us…which also characterizes me, as the Apostle and principal Pastor of this would be…

The obsession to do what God has asked me to do!

If I could travel back in time and talk to past Guillermo Maldonado when he was crying in that car after having been expelled from the ministry he served…I would tell him:
“Guillermo, the key is in the obsession for God, the desire to want 
to do His will, to pursue His voice in every moment and 
execute precisely what He wants you to do… 
though you may not understand it!”
“True success, as a human being, lies in doing God’s will and making the purpose for which you were created a reality”

If you only read this; it may sound like something basic and simple…and it probably won’t elicit a “wow” response out of you right now…

But if you analyze it well, you will notice that each word has its own spiritual weight.

Let’s read together:

“True success, as a human being, lies in doing God’s will and making the purpose for which you were created a reality”

Stay here for a moment and reflect on this part:
“True success, as a human being”

Success is in purpose!

Society, Hollywood, and education have sold us a product called success. All in the form of...

Money, luxuries, cars, houses, jewels, status.

However, being the spiritual beings and children of God that we are…Surely, you know that these things are in the realm of the flesh.

And if you pursue these things only, you will never have success!

I am not against material things. However, what I don’t agree with is “only” focusing on doing those things!

But if you focus on the spiritual, material things will eventually come and serve as a result of the impact of your purpose in God.

Yes, they will not only come to you, but they will come with a purpose... to serve yours! Material things will be a resource for the expansion of your purpose! Is it clearer to you now?

My best advice for you today change the meaning of success! When you think of success, think of purpose! And everything else will come as a bonus!

Matthew 6:33 says…
“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things (money, luxuries, cars, houses, jewels, status) shall be added unto you.” –
(The addition in this verse is just to illustrate a point).
What am I trying to illustrate?

A change of focus!

Because focus is everything!

Wherever you point, that is what you will become!

As I mentioned before, my focus has been to pursue the voice of God and run to execute that, as soon as possible... It is what has led me to go from Pastor to Apostle.

My challenge was to discern how far I would run, to execute what God told me to do, without putting human logic into it. Because I also understood, a long time ago, that God’s logic is the supernatural for us.

I confess to you; at the beginning of our ministry...I put a lot of logic into things.

“How are we going to pay here?”

“The finances are down, how are we going to pay the building?”

Etc. … Etc. …

No one can say that I did not love God with all my heart. I always sought to please Him!

However, I still had...the virus of logic!

Today, in this month of September 2019, I can tell you...that I have a clear secret to success for you...
When you focus on that, you will notice that your thoughts cease to be and that God’s thoughts begin to govern your being instead. And that’s where POWER comes in!
In my previous book, I spoke about stress…and I taught you that when there is stress, you are unable to move in faith, much less see the path to your purpose clearly…

In this new book, I guide you STEP-BY-STEP to be successful, so successful in God…
through the purpose that God wrote and designed for you...

So that you may be the most powerful man and woman of God in your city, community or, why not, the whole country!

The first step is to know what your purpose is.

And if you already know it, then to confirm it with this STEP-BY-STEP.

Then, the following step is…PUTTING IT IN ACTION!

And since every purpose is UNIQUE, so will your strategy to put it in action.

This new book has a special anointing, and while you read it, your own strategy to fulfill your purpose…will start forming clearly in your spirit.

I trust in God that every person who will read this book, page to page, all the way to the end…will have a clear understanding of what their purpose is, and the unique and precise strategy that will help fulfill it.

Now then, son, daughter…your personalized manual has arrived, of what God wants for your life, your life’s purpose.

I was obedient. I obeyed the voice of God that told me, “Write about purpose. I need to activate now the purpose I have for everyone.”

My question to you is…
Close your eyes and listen to God now!...
Concentrate in the spirit…

Feel God in your heart, now…

Listen to Him!...

Now, obey Him! And don’t question it!

I bless you. I would love to hear your testimony of what God does to you in your life through this book.

A huge fatherly hug!

Apostle Guillermo Maldonado
Upon ordering this book today,
you will receive a bonus worth $140!
  • Purposes and Seasons - Audio Series in 2 Parts - Guillermo Maldonado
  • ​Making the Transition to a New Season - Audio Series - Guillermo Maldonado
  • ​Knowing the Will of God - DVD Series - Guillermo Maldonado
  • ​Principles of Power and the Vision - Myles Munroe
  • ​Living As Salt and Light - Derek Prince
  • ​Leaders that Conquer - Guillermo Maldonado
  • ​Declare Life - E.W. Kenyon and Donde Gosset
  • Through the Bible in One Year - Dr. Alan B. Stringfellow
  • How to Hear the Voice of God - Guillermo Maldonado
Once you know, with clarity, your purpose in God...the next step is to establish a POWERFUL VISION!

In this book, Dr. Myles will guide you through that process and you will develop an irresistible vision where everyone...Will want to follow you!
Dr. Myles Monroe 

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